Welcome to Air Trade Support
Regardless if you are a forwarding agent seeking air transport solutions or if you are an airline looking for a dedicated and professional partner this is the perfect start.
Regardless if you are a forwarding agent seeking air transport solutions or if you are an airline looking for a dedicated and professional partner this is the perfect start.
We will help you find the best possible air transport solutions and price for your shipments.
Read moreAre you an airline and looking to establish yourself or outsource parts or the entire of your cargo sales, reservations and administration in the Nordic market? We will be delighted to represent you.
Read moreHere are some useful tools for your day to day work:
>> XE Currency Converter
>> World Airport Codes
Along with these partners we are able to provide you with a variaty of products to a wide range of destinations world-wide.
Regardless if you are looking to book a one-off shipment or if you are looking for permanent allocations we will be able to assist you. Just send us a message on: info@airtrade.se for Sweden and mail@airtrade.no for Norway and we will respond back to you immediately.
Are you an airline and looking to establish yourself or outsource parts or the entire of your cargo sales, reservations and administration in the Nordic market?
Then look no further, Air Trade Support will be your perfect choice!
Air Trade Support is well known for its dedication, loyalty, 24/7 service and the capability to tailor made and offer our airline customers the highest quality service they require. Regardless if you need to have part or full service from our side, we will be the perfect choise for you in the Nordic market.
Availability, Trust and Service is absolutely key for us.
Let us be your Key to the Nordic airfreight market. We would be delighted to offer you our services.
Send us a message on: mail@airtrade.no or info@airtrade.se and we will immediately contact you to develop the best possible solution for you.
World Airport Codes provides information for almost every airport in the world. Using the search box below, you can search for airport codes in 5 different ways:
A-Z Worldwide Airfreight Directory
Through this online tracking facility you can get real time status information on your shipment
Sist oppdatert: 2023-05-16
Airtrade Support AS handler kun med land som har ratifisert menneskerettighetene som følger av blant annet FNs konvensjon om økonomiske, sosiale og kulturelle rettigheter fra 1966, FNs konvensjon om sivile og politiske rettigheter fra 1966 og ILOs kjernekonvensjoner om grunnleggende rettigheter og prinsipper i arbeidslivet.
For ytterligere informasjon om ILO: https://www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm
Selskapet har ikke politi- eller påtalemyndighet i de enkelte landene hvor leverandører har sin tjenesteytelse, og selskapet forholder seg derfor til at landene selv følger de konvensjoner som landene har ratifisert.
Selskapet utsender spørsmål til enkelte leverandører for å opprettholde aktsomhetsplikten i ovennevnte lov.
Selskapet utgir ikke informasjon og opplysninger om tekniske innretninger og fremgangsmåter eller andre drifts- eller forretningsforhold som kan være av konkurransemessig betydning å hemmeligholde av hensyn til de opplysningene angår jf i Lov om virksomheters åpenhet og arbeid med grunnleggende menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold § 6, 2 ledd bokstav d
Air Trade Support (ATS) was established in 1995 as a total Airfreight Solution company.
ATS is privately owned with the owners actively working in the company.
Profit has been generated every year since the start.
Our sales offices in Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen are well established with the best possible relations to all forwarders and cargo buyers in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
All staff has many years of experience from the airline and the GSSA industry.
The Air Trade Support Mission is to work with a selective few high-quality airlines.
Our aim is not to be the largest GSA/GSSA in the Nordic, but simply the best.
Group Director
+47 2240 3790
Managing Director – Norway
+47 2240 3790
Team Leader – Asia
+47 2240 3790
Team Leader British Airways
+47 2240 3790
Sales & Reservations
+47 2240 3790
Sales & Reservations
+47 2240 3790
Sales & Reservations
+47 2240 3790
Sales & Reservations
+47 2240 3790
Sales & Reservations
+47 2240 3790
Sales & Reservations
+47 2240 3790
+47 2240 3790
Sales & Reservations
+47 2240 3790
Managing Director - Sweden
+ 46 8 597 889 90
Sales & Reservations
+ 46 8 597 889 90
Sales & Reservations
+ 46 8 597 889 90
Managing Director - Denmark
+45 2023 9064
Sales Manager Denmark
+45 3231 4286